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Musings of a Somnambulist Nocturnal

Friday, July 22, 2005


Working and Blogging


This has been the most slothful week since I transitioned to my current role in our company. I was expecting a lot of work to be assigned to me starting Monday, but surprisingly I got like 10 to 20 percent of normal workload for the day. I somehow expected that squeezing all of my to do's within the normal working hours would be unmanageable, but I was clearly wide off the mark.

So what kept me busy over the week? Trying my best to feel guiltless, I worked on some manual paperwork and updated my files. That was it. The rest of the day I'd spend browsing the intranet reading other work colleagues' blogs (yes, the company encourages the people to maintain one!) and knowing about their gripes in their individual lives (I always search for those who grumble for whatever dissatisfaction they get from their jobs day in and out).

I love reading J's. She's a US-based work colleague in New York, and I am 90 per cent sure that she's a Filipina (has Asian features with an English first name and Hispanic last name). In the kingdom of sarcasm and wit, no doubt, she's a royalty. For a time, she has (figuratively) scribbled things that frustrate her at work. From the dipping stock prices, to the personnel pages policing (a major crackdown on employees who post too-creative shots with their match-making... err...corporate profile!), down to the hazy prospects of spending the next couple of years working for the company. I suppose mid- and upper-level managers would visit her blog to know about her latest rants. Her open letter to the company created a big sensation (at least for those who take time off to check the company intranet)! Who would ever have the courage to blurt out, "... So many things happen with you and it's like there's a bunch of monkeys with typewriters and phones making decisions based on who gets to the bananas first." Clever! =) I was rolling on the floor laughing my butt off!!! =) Without surprise, a senior from the Internal Communications depratment tagged his comments (fairly diplomatic in tone despite J's "caustic" disparagement). Notwithstanding all her blurbs, she still keeps her job and her blog. =)

We (I and workmates closest to moi) more or less share the same sentiments, and it felt great to hear that a counterpart courageously took her stand over sensitive employee issues. In a good way, I bet her daily ranting has done her good. Few weeks back, oh man, she was talking nineteen to the dozen of recurring IT issues, and before the day ended, she got a service call and her issue (at least the most urgent ones) got resolved straight away. up:gucci bags

I am thankful, though, that the higher-ups encourage us to blog. I know most corporations prohibit their employees to maintain one in avoidance of any party's breach of corporate confidentialiy. Mine has pioneered to create blogging policies and I believe this has set limits to the topics that we can publicly discuss. Also, their reminding us to rattle on very sensitive issues (employee relations, R&D, and other confidential cases) only through the internal weblogs was definitely a sharp move in ensuring bloggers at work do not go overboard.

I have been careful in writing, as well. People, in spite of their work busy scheds and lack of time to blog, freely cyber lurk. Though I rant like any griping working class adult, I recognize that there are far better fora to stand up and speak up.

So, it's another weekend again. I'll head for the gym few minutes from now. Another session of hatha yoga!!! =)

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