I made the extreme sacrifice (so hackneyed with all these Oust GMA rallies happening everywhere=)) to wake up at 5 in the morning. I had to beat the early morning rush hour traffic that, we, the "Northside folks" endure as we head for work or wherever. I left the house a quarter past 6 and fortunately, I came in the Makati office just in time for the 8AM training.
gucci handbagsIt has been a couple of weeks after the Regional higher-ups launched the Professional Development Program so we need to start making self-assessments of how we have progressed in our respective functions. We had a fruitful 4-hour discussion, and in completing all the prework, most of us realized that we exceeded the expected business proficiency levels of our individual job roles for the past year. Hope this would address our career development concerns within the firm the soonest.
posted by Somnambulist Nocturnal #
2:52 PM