Bugsy! I finally got something to write about. =)
20 years ago…We were living in a modest two-storey apartment in Tandang Sora. All I remember doing was play, eat, and practice my handwriting. My brother and I were probably Mama’s biggest headaches because we’d always come home soiled and injured.
1985 was the year when I lost my two-front teeth from a horribly bloody accident, again, involving my brother and I. The next years were even more tormenting as I endured my playmates’ and cousins’ constant repartee just because I was “bungi” and my case seemed hopeless. up:
gucci bags15 years ago…
I was in first grade, and two-front teeth started to come out.
I would elatedly come home and proudly show those perfect exam scores to my parents. I was consistently in the elite Top 10 of the class, but still felt insecure for not being appointed as an officer and not finishing first in the year-end academic ranking.
It was also in 1990 when I first experienced the wrath of Mother Nature. Our teacher was about to dismiss the class when everything around us just started shaking and swaying. I was noiselessly trembling at one corner while cries and screams echo all over.
10 years ago…I had wet dreams. ‘Nuf said.
5 years ago…My first time to be listed in my college academic probation list…I had to struggle for one semester to lift my probationary status and at the same time redeem my honor by becoming a college scholar at semester-end.
One day after Erap was impeached, we marched to Mendiola to clamor for the President’s ouster. It was the first time in about 20 or so years that our college (known to be moderate on campus and political issues) assumed an active role in this historic episode of our country.
3 years ago…I was a part-time student and full-time officer-member of UP EcoSoc. I guess we preferred creating marketing proposals and signing event sponsorship deals over testing multiple linear regressions for the thesis. For this, thesis partner and I got an INC from Dr. Alburo. We had to stay for another semester and bear our parents’ constant nagging to finish our thesis. Well at least we got a final grade of 1.5!
My first try on the corporate life…
I worked at a call center during my final term in college. It was stressful, but I’d get my daily comic relief from teammates. It felt lonely spending Christmas away from home while irate customers yelled at you. I terribly missed living the normal life. Soon, I resigned.
Last year…I was depressed.
I hated myself.
It was a year of personal struggle.
This year…I rediscovered blogging and its cathartic elements. Moved from Joeuser to Blogspot for that matter.
Perhaps, I regained my self-esteem, acknowledged feelings of gloom, and finally accepted my imperfections.
Found absolute gratification from seeing new places...I am more than thankful to have visited Kyoto (the most charming place in the world!) and trekked the heights of Batad. I reconnected with my other artsy-fartsy self which helps maintain a healthy level of sanity within me.
Still hoping I’ll have better prospects in my career soon.
Yesterday…It was a typical Friday. Too much of our clients’ anticipation for the weekend, I suppose, reduced our workload.
The company announced a new client deal. I’ve considered moving to this new account.
Last Night…Music 21 sessions till sunrise!!! Singing Matchbox 20’s “Push” bared my Rockstar INXS talent…hehe!
Today…Listening to D’ Sound and Utada Hikaru…I kind of missed humming their more popular tunes. Time-off from Saturday night happenings.
Tomorrow…Wake up early and head for the gym.
Hopefully, I could also buy shirts that I can wear to work, a 256 MB flash drive, and a 128 MB memory card for my camera.
Planning to stop by the Megatrade Hall to see a transport show that Ken and workmates put up...
Next year…Take up units in Graduate School. Not sure yet if I’d take up MBA or enroll in an entirely different course. (As you know, I’m quite interested in the culinary arts and I’ve resolved to learn cooking adobo and pasta at least before the year comes to an end. =p)
5-10 Years from now…Have a personally and financially rewarding career or a successful business.
I would have experienced the tranquil land and seascapes of the Philippines by then (Panglao is on the top of my list).
Digital photography will be a major creative diversion and a part-time profession!
Not sure if I’ll desire to settle down. Hmmm…may be I won’t.
Go tag yourselves!!!