Been slaving at work to finish off some jobs pending for the year. I have been assigned a number of relocation cases so the past couple of months have been very high touch for me. However, I'm glad that I have not been involved in new cases ever since I accepted the consulting TL's job offer to be the team's Financial SPOC.
This position was open for the longest time and rumor has it that they had searched for the right one over a period of 3 months; weeks before the former SPOC resigned to accept an offer by another BPO-company. I didn't really find budget accruals and reviews, accounts reconciliation, financial controls compliance, and all these number-crunching team projects/initiatives attractive when it was first presented to me, but I realized even if Finance wasn't really the field that I dreamt of pursuing, this would benefit me in the long-run as money undoubtedly matters in any enterprise. I'm all set for new challenges...and assuming a totally different role is what I need to stay longer with the company.
gucci bags.The Greater China and Northeast Asian markets are very demanding regions, and I will surely miss working with my HR colleagues. I don't know if I will ever work with just as professional and warm people in Finance, but well, those days when I had escalated finance issues were just a nightmare! I may need a character overhaul to get down to business with them. =)
posted by Somnambulist Nocturnal #
5:43 PM