A-ge: exactly 23.9
B-and Listening To Right Now: I’m digging Franz Ferdinand!!!
C-areer: Human Resources / Finance / Outsourcing
D-rink or Smoke: Drink!
E-asiest Friends To Talk To: EHS and high school friends
F-avorite Song/s at the moment: No Ordinary Morning – Chicane, Mr. Brightside – The Killers, Just A Ride – Jem, and that new song by Session Road (the one with “angels” on the lyrics…kalimutan ko na. Hehe!)
G-ummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Indifferent
H-ad a dream last night: I can barely remember.
I-nsomniac: I had been for the past two weeks. Now, I’m nearly recovering.
J-unk Foods You Like: Lay’s and Oishi Ridges
K-ids: ?
L-ongest Ride Ever: Cincinnati – Detroit – Narita – Nagoya – Manila (whopping 28 hours!!!)
M-y Favorite Sport: Hiking/
gucci bags (oh well, mostly adventure sports)
N-ames For Your Future Kids: Elisha / Pablo Miguel
O-ne Wish You Have Now: A long vacation!!!
P-hobias: Heights
Q - Favorite Quote: Carpe Diem!
R-easons To Smile: the free mp3 music, the friends, the family, the subsidized gym membership, the pig-outs, the travel perks, photography
S-leeping Hours: 12-7am
T-ime You Woke Up: 7:30am
U-nknown Fact About You: I used to sleep walk until I was 12 or 13.
V-egetable You Hate: I guess okra
W-orst Habit: Spending at least two hours on morning rituals (as in breakfast, bath, brush)
X-rays You've Had: chest
Y-ummy Foods: Sinigang, Indian food, lamb chops, adobo, Super Bowl’s Yang Chow
Z-odiac Sign: Aries
posted by Somnambulist Nocturnal #
6:49 PM