I have moved to a better home!
Not that Joeuser wasn't a good one, but a lot of my friends would tell me that interface with JU was too daym boring. I guess blog readers, to keep on coming back to some blogger's site (in addition to intellectually stirred) must likewise be visually stimulated. So I know I need to work on some HTML and a whole lot of those techie embellishments. Anyway, I am exploring the wonders of Front Page to make things possible. But for now, as I transition into a new gucci bags blog environment, allow me to post without too much designs.
I am surely going to miss my buddies at JU. It was my home for little more than a year, and the discussions over that site were pretty insightful - from talks over religion, economics, and politics,down to the simplest of the average joe's desires and tribulations.
Anyway, my moving to a new home doesn't mean I'll cut ties with my old neighbors. They will always be the reason why I started and eventually got hooked to blogging, so it's surely important to visit old friends once in a while.
Well, it's almost 7 in the evening and I need to go. Been working for more than 12 hours already, and I need to rest. Until my next post..Take care y'all!
posted by Somnambulist Nocturnal #
10:58 AM