Just came back from the gym. =) To my surprise, I’ve made sure to go there at least thrice a week. The good thing is, for four weeks straight, I’ve consistently followed my workout plan and have encouraged teammates at work to make this a habit as well. The bad thing, however, is that my Friday workout club has never passed up pigging out at the nearest fast food chain or swanky bistro (…that, well, doesn’t really serve healthy stuff) right after gym sessions. So pass
ako tonight!
gucci handbagsThis morning, I packed some big chunks of grilled tuna which I plan to eat after I publish my blog. I know it’s not as delectable as my workout buddies are savoring now, but I realized it’s time that I do myself one healthy favor. I'm counting on my willpower so I can sustain this routine at least for the next 7 days.
Anyhow, I’m certain I won’t be able to read emails and blogs this weekend. No internet connection at home…huhu…alright enough of this crap, I gotta be going. Have a restful weekend everyone! =)
posted by Somnambulist Nocturnal #
10:34 PM